U Solutions Immigration is here to assist you with business integration or expansion here in Singapore. Our team is able to advise you with numerous options that are suitable and available whether you are an experienced business owner or a promising entrepreneur.
Eligibility Criteria and Schemes Types:​
The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) issues licenses and regulates business entities in Singapore with different types of business structures that can be established.
Subsidiary Company:​
The subsidiary company in Singapore is a private limited company incorporated locally with a majority of its shares are owned either by a foreign entity or by a local entity.
Branch Office:​
The branch office is a Singapore registered company that works as an extension of a foreign parent company.
Representative Office:​
The representative office is a temporary arrangement with limited purposes. It enables foreign companies to conduct market research, business activities, promote products and/or services in Singapore without generating profits.
Single-Family Office (SFO):​
The Ultra High Net Worth Individual and their family would often use an SFO to manage their assets. The SFO only manages assets on behalf of one family and are owned and managed by the family. SFO is managed by trusted advisors that include bankers, asset managers, lawyers and tax accountants.
Singapore remains one of Southeast Asia's most attractive financial, logistics and technology hubs that attract numerous foreign investors with tax incentives and a conducive business climate.
The process of relocating or starting businesses in a foreign country can be intimidating. At U Solutions Immigration, we can assist entrepreneurs, innovators and investors who wish to venture into Singapore and possibly obtain a Permanent Residency or Citizenship status in the near future.
With our Business Relocation Service, we can help you with the right immigration solutions.
Pass Applications
(Employment Pass, Entrepreneur
Pass, Dependant's Pass)
Account opening of
Corporate Singapore Bank
Documentation Preparation
Registration with
Singapore's Accounting and
Corporate Regulatory Authority
Information on Singapore
laws and policies necessary
Consultation to analyse your business